Troy City Schools
staff & students dream big, work hard, and succeed.

Discover our state report card achievements and see our commitment to excellence.


State Report Card

Our state report card highlights our achievements and areas for growth.

Exceeds State Standards

Overall Performance

Districts and schools receive an overall rating of 1 to 5 stars in half-star increments. The overall rating is comprised of five rated components. The College, Career, Workforce and Military Readiness Component is report only and does not contribute to the overall rating on the 2024 Ohio School Report Cards.

Component Score


Overall Points

Local Rank


Out of 56 Local Districts

Exceeds State Standards

Gap Closing

The Gap Closing Component measures various performance indicators such as gifted student performance, English language proficiency, chronic absenteeism, graduation rates, and academic achievement and growth in English language arts and math by student group, with a minimum of 15 students per group.

Component Score


Overall Points

Local Rank


Out of 56 Local Districts

Significantly Exceeds State Standards


The Progress Component evaluates academic growth using a “value-added” statistical analysis, comparing current and past achievement results on Ohio’s State Tests over three consecutive years. Ratings are determined using a weighted approach with the growth index assessing data reliability and the effect size measuring the magnitude of academic growth relative to the state.

Component Score


Overall Points

Local Rank


Out of 56 Local Districts

Exceeds State Standards

Early Literacy

The Early Literacy Component assesses reading improvement and proficiency for students in kindergarten through third grade, combining three measures into a single rating. These measures include third-grade reading proficiency, promotion rates to fourth grade, and progress in supporting struggling readers to become on track using two years of data.

Component Score


Overall Points

Local Rank


Out of 56 Local Districts

Exceeds State Standards


The Graduation Component measures the four-year and five-year adjusted cohort graduation rates, reflecting the percentage of students who graduate within these timeframes with a regular or honors diploma. The overall graduation rate is calculated by combining these rates using a weighted approach, with the four-year rate weighted at 60% and the five-year rate at 40%.

Component Score



Local Rank


Out of 56 Local Districts

Exceeds State Standards


The Achievement Component measures student performance on Ohio’s State Tests to determine if they meet academic thresholds, using the Performance Index that weights all achievement levels and report-only Performance Indicators that show proficiency percentages by grade and subject without affecting the rating.

Component Score


Performance Index

Local Rank


Out of 56 Local Districts

Lessons Learned

Several factors play a significant role in determining our performance on the state report card. Let’s take a closer look at some key highlights and valuable insights.


District-wide Growth

Our district has made remarkable strides in student academic growth, surpassing expectations on Ohio's State Tests. This achievement reflects our focus on data-driven instruction and a supportive learning environment that empowers every student to reach their potential.

Calculating Success


Our Algebra 1 and 3rd-grade math programs stand out as key highlights, showcasing the impact of data-driven instruction, collaborative teaching, and targeted support. These efforts are strengthening foundational skills and advancing student success in math.

Reading & Writing our Story

Early Literacy

Our early literacy programs are rooted in the Science of Reading, combining evidence-based practices with targeted instruction to build strong foundational skills. From phonemic awareness to fluency, these efforts are equipping students with the tools they need to thrive as confident readers and lifelong learners.

The Road Ahead

Areas of Focus

Each building is dedicated to shaping a bright future for Troy, focusing on initiatives that support academic excellence and foster a thriving school community.

Performance Analysis of 56 Local Districts

We evaluate our achievements against 56 neighboring districts to ensure continuous improvement and excellence.